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American Baptist Churches - We Are American Baptists A People of Faith ~~ A People in Mission ABC USA ABC NYS - 329 Churches of New York State Bible.com helps you know and love God, while spreading the truth of the Bible to others, through the cutting edge of the Internet. This ministry touches people all over the world. Please ask the Lord if you are to be a part of this new evangelistic outreach that teaches others about Jesus Christ. We need your help. Your caring donations and prayers make a difference in the lives of hurting people who are seeking answers to their complex problems. We would be honored to represent you as your cyberspace missionaries. God is using this site for 21st Century Evangelism. Bible Gateway - Welcome to BibleGateway.com, a free service for reading and researching scripture online-- all in the language or translation of your choice! We provide advanced searching capabilities based on keywords or scripture references, and various tools to enhance your study of the Bible. Christianity.com - A web site dedicated to Christians. Provides resources and information such as, Bible Study, Theology & Doctrine, Church & Ministry, Life Application, Sharing Your Faith and Family & Relationships Who Is Jesus? – an interactive journey Christian Book Distributors - Make the most of your time with God's Word! Learn about new translations and the latest study Bibles and devotional Bibles. See what's available in your favorite translation to enhance your devotional time. Christianbook.com Family Life Today - The roots of FamilyLife go back as far as 1951, with the beginning of Campus Crusade for Christ. Its founders, Bill and Vonette Bright, had a great desire to help fulfill Christ's Great Commission --- taking the gospel to every nation. Starting on one college campus with one couple, Campus Crusade has grown into a multifaceted ministry with tens of thousands of full-time and associate staff serving in more than 150 countries. Focus on the Family - Our Mission: To cooperate with the Holy Spirit in disseminating the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible, and, specifically, to accomplish that objective by helping to preserve traditional values and the institution of the famil. focusonthefamily.com Judson Press - Judson Press is the publishing arm of American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A., an evangelical, ecumenical, interracial denomination with a global outreach. There are 1.5 million members in 5800 local congregations in the United States and Puerto Rico. Its national offices, located in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, are known as the "Mission Center". Our publishing ministries are named after Adoniram Judson, who was the first American to establish Baptist work in another country (Burma). Capital District Youth for Christ Youth Specialties - For over 30 years Youth Specialties has worked alongside Christian youth workers of just about every denomination and youth-serving organization. We're committed to providing quality resources, training, and encouragement for youth workers in churches and other youth-serving organizations throughout North America and the world through our training Seminars and Conventions, resources, and here on the Internet |
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